CACCI Founder Addressed National Caribbean American Heritage Month June 2017

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Statement by:
Dr. Roy A. Hastick, Sr. President/CEO, CACCI

Distinguished Borough President Eric Adams; Madame Deputy Diana Reyna ; Board Chairman Edmund Sadio ; and members of the Board of Directors; Distinguished Honorees; Members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps; Co-sponsor – Health First; Distinguished CACCI Members and Guests:

On behalf of the board of directors, members and staff of the Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you.  I wish to express my deepest appreciation to all assembled here on the occasion of our 11th annual celebration of National Caribbean American Heritage Month.

Today’s Economic Development Power Brunch is one of many celebrations taking place this month across the nation in recognition of National Caribbean American Heritage Month.

I wish to thank my friend and brother Borouh President Adams for his continued support for our Caribbean American Chamber and his support for Caribbean Heritage Month.

It was in June 2005 when the United States House of Representatives unanimously adopted Resolution 71.  The bill was sponsored by Congresswoman Barbara Lee who recognized the significance of

Caribbean immigrants and their descendants in the history and culture of the United States.  On February 14, 2006, the resolution similarly passed the Senate, which was the culmination of a two-year bipartisan effort.

Since that time, the White House has issued an annual proclamation recognizing June as National Caribbean-American Heritage Month.

This month’s commemoration marks the eleventh Annual National Caribbean-American Heritage Month.  We also wish to thank Deputy Diana Reyna, Chief Program Officer Sandra Chapman and Michelle Crutchfield and the Caribbean American Heritage Committee for their support and assistance in helping to ensure the continuity of this annual celebration in Brooklyn the Caribbean Capital of the World. 

This is our twelfth year and every year this event gets bigger and better with a variety of activities during the month. This is a tribute to the hard work of the Caribbean Heritage Month Committee under the leadership of Borough President Adams, his Deputy Diana Reyna and Chief Program Officer Sandra Chapman.

This is also a time to reflect on the role of the Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, to take a look at where we are and to share with you some of the plans that are on horizon.

It is also a time to say “thank you” to our board of directors, staff, members and partners for their continued support on behalf of CACCI.  You have assisted us in moving CACCI to the place where we are today.  We could not have done it without you!

A few of the highlights

  1. We are continuing to provide small business services that are made possible by the Brooklyn Delegation of the NY City Council. These services include: Financial Literacy, Small Business Services, Job Development and MWBE Certification Preparation;  
  2. We are continuing to develop the Flatbush Caton Market Complex which upon completion will become a mixed used facility and future home of the Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry Headquarters; Thank you to our stakeholders who helped to make this proposed project possible.
  3. In collaboration with NYS Comptroller Tom Di Napoli, we are continuing to explore the possibility of investment of NYS pension funds in the Caribbean;
  4. Finally, today we are pleased to announce the unveiling of our upgraded Special thanks to our website developer – Mr. Solomon Luke and his team.

Let us remember that wherever we may reside in the Caribbean Diaspora, let us remember that we share not only a common heritage but we also have a common destiny.  Let us continue the dialogue that allows us to hear each other’s voices, develop strategies for marshaling and sharing our collective resources, as we move forward toward greater sustainability for ourselves, our communities and for CARICOM.

Remember Business Networking Works!

 Thank you for coming. If you are not a member or if you have not renewed your membership, become a member today!

 God Bless you and God Bless the United States of America.

 Thank you!

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