Procurement & Certification

The Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc. (CACCI) is pleased to continue to be part of New York City’s efforts to attract women and minority-owned small businesses (M/WBE) and engage them in the process of becoming certified by the City of New York so that they can enhance their business growth and development.

CACCI is pleased to serve as a member of NYC’s M/WBE Leadership Association charged with implementation of the Local Law 129, which was signed by NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg in 2005. This law has created more opportunities for certified M/WBE to bid on public contracts, increase their capacity, and effectively contribute to the City’s economy.

All levels of government purchase goods and services. According to NYC DSBS, New York City alone has a procurement budget in excess of $9 billion. In order to do business with the City of New York and other governmental agencies, business owners must meet certain qualifications and must be certified.

CACCI has had a long history of advocating and promoting small businesses, the backbone of the nation’s economy.  As a matter of fact, small business financing, certification and procurement have been three of the most frequent topics of discussion at CACCI’s monthly membership meetings.  Guest speakers at these meetings have included: Commissioners from NYC Department for Small Businesses Services (NYC DSBS), New York State Governors, New York City Mayors, New York City Council speakers and City Council members, New York State legislators, New York City Borough Presidents, NYC and NYS Comptrollers, New York City Public Advocates, United States Department of Commerce (MBDA), United States Small Business Administration (SBA), Service Corp of Retired Executives (SCORE) have participated and provided information aimed at helping small business owners gain the tools and expertise necessary to do business with government agencies.

For further information on CACCI’s business services, financial literacy, job development and Caribbean American Trade Center services, contact CACCI.

For NYC’s MWBE certification information and access to business services provided by the City of New York please see visit this website for further details.